Monday, February 27, 2012

Number 1 - Snowshoeing

I haven't been 30 for 30 days yet, so I'm still checking this off my 30 Before 30 List. Still with me, or did I lose you in my alliteration?

Well, I honestly didn't know what to expect, however snowshoeing was a lot more fun than I would have imagined! Even though I'm a Colorado Native, I'm not much into Winter sports. I much prefer to be outdoors when the weather is above 75 degrees. But I may have to start making an exception because this was seriously fun!

We did a two mile loop at Meyer Ranch Park near Conifer, CO. When we started, it was freezing and the wind was so cold I thought this would be a miserable experience, but once we got into the woods and we couldn't feel the wind anymore, it was a really nice hike that even got hot!

I did this adventure with my girl friends, Erin and Leslie and it was a super fun girls outing!

The only thing I didn't really care for, was that I found it difficult to look around while walking in the snowshoes. I felt like I looked at my feet for an hour straight. Maybe that's because this is a very new sport for me and I'm not 100%, or if I'm being honest 40%, comfortable in the snowshoes yet (I did fall a lot!) but I like to look around when I'm hiking. Hopefully the more I do this, the better I will get.

Luckily there was snow, I was worried because Saturday was so nice and a lot of melting happened in the city, but there was definitely enough for us to romp through.

I think I look pretty natural...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Favorite Melody

I'm in love with FUN. I first heard "We Are Young" on the radio and had to hear more! Well, come to find out the lead singer is the former lead singer of The Format, and this is why I love them so much. I was first introduced to The Format by a friend when I lived in Joplin, MO and have loved them since. I'm super happy that the lead singer has a new band and that they're rockin some of my favorite melodies lately!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Baby is 5 Today

Presley turns 5 today and it's hard to believe that I've had her for so long! I remember when I got the little skrunk, she was half her current size and only weighed four pounds.

Funny story about how I got her. I had just moved back to Colorado from Joplin, MO and was wanting a dog, a Yorkie in particular. I had been to the shelter a couple of times but there were only big breeds up for adoption. One day after I had been to the shelter with no luck, my Dad said he wanted to stop in a pet store on the other side of town, one where we never went. As soon as I walked through the door, I saw her little face and knew immediately that she was to be mine. She's half Cairin Terrior and half Yorkie making her a Carkie, but I could care less because she's 100% adorable and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

She is not the most photogenic dog, but she is the sweetest and boy does make me giggle!

I can honestly say that my little button butt has enriched my life in so many ways. She has made me a kinder, more caring person who appreciates things in a whole new way! I love my morning wake-up call of kisses and cuddles and hope there are many, many more years of them!

Happy 5th Birthday baby!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Favorite Melody

My reasons for posting music to my blog is very selfish. I like having my favorite tracks in one spot so i can listen to them over and over again but's my blog and I can do what I want.

Monday, February 6, 2012


#snOMG was one of my favorite hashtags used during this Winter storm! How funny is it?!

My first measurement came in at about 10 inches and was taken at about 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 3.

The classic lawn furniture photo was taken earlier in the day, at about 9:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 3. It just kept snowing, you can see there's not that much in this photo, but just a few six hour later there was about six more inches!

Presley's little paw prints look like rabbit tracks in the snow...

And the final tally was near 14 inches, taken Saturday, Feb. 4 at about noon.

It took two hours for me to dig out the front and the back, but it was a decent workout! Now, if only Spring can arrive early, I will be happy!

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Favorite Five

I have five things I did on my 30 Before 30 list that are my absolute favorite and I'm so happy that I accomplished.

5. The Boys of Summer Are Back I LOVE baseball and especially love going to games at Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies. Last year I was able to go to Opening Day and it was incredible! The overall atmosphere was amazing, people were fun and downtown was buzzing with excitement.

4. The Avett Bros. at Red Rocks I go to a lot of concerts and a lot of good ones, but this is definitely in the top 5 of my all time favorite shows. I know how lucky I am to live in Colorado and have the legendary Red Rocks Amphitheater down the road. I'm also lucky that I have been able to see some pretty amazing shows there, including the Summer 2011 Avett Brothers. Seeing them live made me love them more and more.

3. Road Trip Have I mentioned how much I love my native state of Colorado? No, well read this post and you'll her and see all the reasons I will never call another place home. Even when I lived in another state, Colorado was always my home. The Summer 2011 road trip to Durango was simply incredible. I took some really amazing photos, visited a great friend and enjoyed all that Summer in Colorado has to offer. My only regret is not taking my fly rod but this trip was a bit too short for that.

2. Go for a Hike Like the start to this post states, I never intended my wanting to take a hike to turn into climbing Pikes Peak. It took about eight hours to summit the 14,110 foot peak but it worth every minute! My friend Luz first brought this idea to my attention as a fundraiser she was doing for her God mother and the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado. I'm so happy that she included me and that Pikes Peak was my first 14er. I can't wait to do more this summer!

1. Learn to Fly Fish This is what I was most wanting to do on my list and the one thing I'm happiest I actually did! I've been wanting to learn how to fly fish for some time now, and last summer I finally did. Turns out that I'm a pretty good fisher woman. I'm counting down the days until it's warm enough for me to go fishing again. I absolutely love doing it and know it will be something I continue for the rest of my life, or for my next 30 years.

As I prepare for this next chapter in my life, Mother Nature has decided to dump a blizzard in my backyard. So, it looks like I will be taking it easy this weekend and postponing my birthday bash for another day.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

50 out of 50 Ain't Bad

Only three days left until I hit middle age and yes, I see 30 as middle age. Here's why:

Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. Various attempts have been made to define this age, which is around the third quarter of the average life span of human beings.
via Wikipedia

While the journalist in my finds great disdain for Wikipedia, I can't argue with the description of middle age posted on the site.

The title of today's blog is 50 out of 50 Ain't Bad because that's about the percentage I got done from my 30 Before 30 list.

Here's what I have left and why.

1. Go Snowshoeing - I'm lazy and haven't gotten around to it yet.

10. Go to Church - It's a very intimidating idea plus I really enjoy sleeping in on Sundays.

12 Run a 5K - I truly hate running and this may never happen, let's just be honest.

13. Take a pole dancing fitness class - Kept waiting on a LivingSocial deal to come through, it did not.

14. Go to the movies alone - Once I missed Twilight in the theaters this seemed less appealing.

20. Go to Mardi Gras - This was never going to happen since Mardi Gras falls before my 30th bday.

22. Buy and read a Sunday Denver Post - Again with loving lazy Sundays.

26. Visit Rocky Mountain National Park - I did travel through multiple National Parks this summer, just never RMNP.

27. Go to a CSU Football game - Maybe this new coach will make the games more interesting.

30. Get my palms read in Boulder - This was a long-shot anyway, I mean it's Boulder...

Throughout the rest of the week and counting down until I can kiss my youth good-bye, I will be posting/revisiting previous posts about the more successful aspects from the 30 Before 30 list...the items I actually crossed off!

Pleasant Valley Sunday

Have you ever heard the song by The Monkees, Pleasant Valley Sunday? Well, it's the tune that plays in my head nearly every time I ...