Friday, November 9, 2012

Gratitude Challenge 9-10

November 9 - I'm grateful for my car

If you know me at all, you know I don't really like to drive. I love being in the car and am an excellent co-pilot but I just don't like being behind the wheel myself. That being said, I'm so grateful for my car and the fact that I have reliable transportation. On my drive to work I pass a lot of buss stops, DISCLAIMER: I know not everyone at a bus stop is in need of a car, and I can't help but think to myself how lucky I am that my parents bought me not one, but two cars and it's the second one that has safely gotten me from point a to b for close to a decade now.

I love my car and honestly can't see driving anything else, except maybe a 2012 Camaro.

November 10 - I'm grateful for my home

I closed on my townhouse in May of 2009 and I couldn't have been happier (if you can't tell by that grin across my face)! I must admit, I was pretty naive about the whole experience and it's definitely been challenging but it's also 100% been worth every tear, drop of sweat and dollar I've poured into my home.

While it's not exactly the way I want every nook and cranny, will it ever really be? I've done so much, but there are still a few little projects here and there that I'd like to do. Being a homeowner comes with it's own set of rules and I'm still learning all about them but I'm blessed to 1) have had the opportunity to become a homeowner and 2) to have a safe, warm and comfortable place to rest my head. Also Presley is pretty fond of her little backyard.

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