Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

This July 4th, we decided to keep thing quiet. Maybe because we all had to work the next day, or maybe because it's easier than throwing a full fledged get-together. Either way, it was fun just being around family!

It's been unseasonably warm in Colorado so far this summer. So, we decided to get up really early (5:30) and head out of town to Golden Gate Canyon State Park for a hike.

We ended up leaving my sister's house at about 6:30 and getting to the trail head at 7ish.

This is Panoramic Point inside Golden Gate Canyon State Park and it is beautiful!
While there were some steep parts, the trail was for the most part pretty flat and a very easy hike!

We chose the Raccoon Trail because it was easy/moderate and it was only 2.5 miles, an easy holiday morning hike. The only thing that was concerning was all the trail signs said .7 miles or .8 miles which doesn't sound confusing except that it was difficult to know if it was .7 or 7 miles because the "." had been scratched off and every mile ended in "s". I felt a little like this...

Here's the best friends, Wilbur & Rocky. They loved the fresh mountain air and space.

I do hope everyone had a great mid-week holiday and were able to get out and do something!

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