Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Look What the Wind Blew In

I realized last night that I didn't do a very good job in my previous blog of explaining why I decided to do 33 days of something so I'll take a minute to do so now. Tomorrow I will be 33-years-old. YIKES. It feels as old to type as it does to say and I definitely don't feel like I'm about to be 33. But alas, you can't stop the hands of time. While my style has evolved in the last decade from hoodies, hats, jeans and tennis shoes to stylish sweaters, business wear, skinny jeans and boots, most days I would prefer to be in a hoodie. However, I have taken my career to the next level and it's high time I start dressing like it. I'm looking forward to the challenge of the next 31 days. Thanks for coming along with me.

I woke up this morning to blowing snow and with that came icy roads for my morning commute. I know, I live in Colorado - wah wah. But the weather has been really, REALLY nice here lately. Temps have been way above normal. It's actually pretty unbelievable. I can't remember a birthday that it wasn't completely freezing. While snow and cold are my least favorite four letter words, we do need some snow so I'm going to suck it up for the greater good and try to cute up my winter wear.

Today I'm wearing skinny black pants from Kohl's. I definitely wouldn't call them jeans but according to JLo that's what they are. My grey long sleeve t-shirt is from Target and the sweater was my Mom's. I'm glad that I kept some of her clothes because I like wearing them and when I put her sweaters on it's like her hugs are wrapping around me.

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