Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 11

I'll be the first to admit that I haven't fully committed to this year's challenge and while I wish it were different, it's not. I really liked last year's challenge and stuck to it pretty good. I'm not dumping all the blame on the layout of this year's challenge, but it's just not as "Dianna Friendly" as it was last year.

For example, last year you only had to give up coffee for two weeks, this year it's four weeks. I think that may be impossible for me and while I've given it a good go, tomorrow morning I will enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee! Last year's plan was also easier to follow in that it gave you daily activities to do. This year's plan sends emails like, drink more water. Duh, I live in Colorado and it's the middle of Winter, I could swim to Kansas City on the amount of water I drink a day.

I'm not saying that it should be tailored to me personally, but I felt like I could adapt last year's plan to fit my lifestyle, not that I had to change my lifestyle to fit the challenges guidelines.

I don't know if I'll continue, that's something I need to decide this weekend but for now, you know what I'm going to have?

That's right, a Kashi TLC Dark Mocha Almond Chewy Granola Bar. It only has 6 g of sugar 130 calories so, technically it's like a snack but with sugar.

I don't think the Kashi granola bar is going to be my gateway drug to the sugar bowl, but I miss it. Bad.

I have lost some weight in the past two weeks and feel really great! But I think that also has to do with the fact that I've made my return to the gym. Now that I'm comfortable in my new-ish position, I can begin getting into a regular routine. I'm loving by the way. I sleep better and wake up feeling so refreshed.

Have a great weekend and 17 days to go, if I decide to continue...

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