The picture above isn't from the actual store I visited, but you get the idea. Also, I didn't want to stand in the middle of 16th street and run the risk of being hit by the mall ride bus while trying to snap a decent pic on my phone.
The next two photos however, are mine! There are SO many choices and decisions to make when topping off your yogurt. There's fresh fruit, gummy bears, toasted almonds, Capt'n Crunch, etc.
I chose to combine the original yogurt and pomegranate yogurt and topped it off with toasted almonds, raspberries, blueberries and a wafer cookie. It was delish and one of the best ways I can think of to spend a beautiful day in the mile high city!
If you haven't been, I highly suggest it!
I chose to combine the original yogurt and pomegranate yogurt and topped it off with toasted almonds, raspberries, blueberries and a wafer cookie. It was delish and one of the best ways I can think of to spend a beautiful day in the mile high city!
If you haven't been, I highly suggest it!
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