I lived there from January 2006 - May 2007 and while my time there was short, it was special! It's the first place I was actually ON TV! It's where I began my broadcast journalism career, really, and it's the place where I learned who I was as a young woman.
When I moved to Joplin, I was 23 just about to turn 24 years-old and besides moving to college, I had lived in the same house since I was born. It was a huge step for me to move away from my family and those I knew best, all for my career. I hated it at first, honestly, I couldn't wait to get the hell out. But, as I grew up, grew into my career and learned what it was like to be on my own, I began to cherish my time there.
Not only are the residents some of the nicest people on the planet, so were my colleagues. It was more than going into work for me. KSN was a place I couldn't wait to get to in the morning. I would go in early, go in on my days off and stay late often. I loved what I was doing and haven't felt that way about a job since. I think it was partly because I was living my dream, but also because I was working with my best friends.
Since you don't get holidays off in news, these people you work with become your pseudo family. I spent Thanksgiving at the station with everyone else and we had an amazing potluck. Christmas was spent with Tiffany Alaniz's husband's family. While nothing on earth would replace a holiday with my own family, it was nice to have somewhere to go and people you cared about to spend time with during the holidays.
Thank god everyone I know who does still live there is okay, but many are not so lucky. If you'd like to help, there are several ways, click here to find out how. And please keep the 4States in your prayers tonight.
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