About three months ago I became a homeowner. This is actually a Good Sounding Idea that didn't/hasn't turned out Bad yet. The idea scared me, but paying nearly $1000 a month in rent for the next year scared me even more. I decided to take the plunge and after about four months of looking I found the perfect place. Perfect is a relative term, I guess. It's perfect to me, now anyway.
While I was signing the papers on the day of closing, the former owner told me about a bit of a mouse problem. Hold on, slam on the brakes. "A bit of a mouse problem." If I had known there was a mouse even walking near the townhouse I would have continued my search. I am terrified of mice. I can do snakes, spiders and bugs but not mice. It may be hereditary in that my Mother was not a mice person either. They give me the heebeegeebees and the thought of them sends me running.
I was screwed, I had already signed the papers when the former owner told me this news. Okay I thought to myself, I can handle this. Look at this fear head on and deal with it. The moment I packed my pen and papers away I was off to MY new home. I made a quick stop at Target to get the needed supplies and began my week's worth of cleaning. Every moment I was not working, I was at my new place cleaning. I went through three bottles of cleaning supplies, an endless number of rags and paper products but after a week it was clean. And, after patching several holes in the garage I am happy to report my townhouse is mouse-free. (I don't think it helped that the previous owner kept food in her garage and never cleaned the property in the entire five year period she lived there - but who am I to judge)
The next project to tackle was painting and getting new carpet. My sister, Dad & brother-in-law helped me paint over every surface in the townhouse. My Dad and I even ripped up the old carpet as a way to save money.
While there are still several projects that I want to do, I am, for the most part, in love with my home. I had all my friends over this past weekend to help me celebrate my hard work and break-in the new pad. Above are some before & after photos of my home. I do love saying that so I'll say it again, My Home!
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