Friday, November 25, 2011

I'll Just Call This Number 9

While number 9 on my 30 Before 30 list is to make an entire Ina Garten meal, I'm going to go ahead and count Thanksgiving 2011 as that and cross it off my list.

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 was the first time I've ever made this holiday meal all alone. I had been dreading this for weeks, but it turned out okay. This year it was just me and my Dad and I cooked WAY too much! I think timing everything out is the hardest part and if I hadn't had to make those damn crescent rolls for my Dad, he special requested them so don't ask, then I think the marshmellows on the sweet potatoes would have been better.

The menu was:

I'll be eating turkey and all the trimmings for a while, but I have found some pretty good looking leftover recipes from who else, but Martha!

I had a pretty great Thanksgiving with my Dad, I hope you were able to spend the holiday with the ones you love most.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Number 7

Number 7 was to get a hot stone massage which I gladly did and loved every single moment. My sister and I spent a weekend at the Brown Palace in Denver and while there we took full advantage of their spa services.
While I thought it would be a little strange staying in a hotel in Denver, the city I live, it was not at all. It may have been because it's super nice or that I think they had scented air pumping through the vents. Either way, it was wonderful and I loved every minute of it!

I can't believe I hadn't gotten a stone massage before now and I will never wait so long to get another. It was absolutely the best massage I've ever had. The only complaint I had was the music. It sounded like I was lying face down in a bird sanctuary. Not Cool! I did ask that it be changed to something without birds, but every track on his CD had some sort of chirping.

Only a few more months until I'm 30... I better get working on this list!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Number 29!

While I hadn't intended on being so drastic with Number 29 on my 30 Before 30 list, I have to admit my new hairstyle is growing on me, haha!

The girl I've been going to for the past two years to get my hair cut is on maternity leave so I had to go to someone I've never met before...SCARY! However, my sister went to the same girl and loved her. This took away some anxiety and I was actually looking forward to the trim.

Well, it didn't go near as well as I'd hoped and although she said she linstened to me, it's pretty evident with the final result that she did not. While I'm not happy with it, I don't feel near the amount of resentment towards the fill-in hairstylist that I did the morning after it was cut. And, honestly, it's just hair and it will grow back so I need to stop being such a big baby!

I recently joined Pinterest and found The Small Things Blog. It's where I saw the way I wanted to try wearing my hair, only longer. But the cut I got ended up getting it's pretty close to the picture here. I do like it, but I would have liked it better if it was how I described it. But like I said above, it will grow!

Tell me what you think...but only if it's a compliment!

The Before Pic taken in my car right before going in

The After Pic the morning after in my bathroom

"you're the one that I want" cover by The Lennings

Nothing can really replace the original and I still see Danny dropping to his knees when Sandy appears in her black and red outfit, however I really love this version too!

Pleasant Valley Sunday

Have you ever heard the song by The Monkees, Pleasant Valley Sunday? Well, it's the tune that plays in my head nearly every time I ...