Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Challenge, Day 25

As promised, here is a pic of the Creamy Broccoli and White Bean soup. I did hear from Maria, shout out to KC, that she tried this dish and liked it and actually bought the pine nuts to go with it. I think it's a must for next time!Today's challenge is to get more involved in your community neighborhood. Not sure if this is something I will do. I like to be involved and do community service, but I find the volunteer opportunities I like best are the ones I take advantage of with my alma mater, Colorado State University and nonprofits I care about like the American Cancer Society.

I also really like the other challenges for today such as, spruce up your workspace. Below is a pic of my workspace and I think it's pretty spiffy. I love pictures and having pictures of my Mom, Dad and Sister surrounding me makes me a happy lady. I also have a picture of my precious little Presley that's in a frame on the right hand side of my computer.

The other challenge presented today is to become more supplement savvy. I have a multi-vitamin that I stare at each day but have yet to take. I just need to take it, plain and simple or so it sounds...

Today's recipe also looks yummy, Linguine with Almonds. The only ingredient I don't have on had is parsley. I wonder how much of a difference it would make. I also have slivered almonds, not whole. Maybe I'll make a grocery run after work and have this for dinner tonight.

Only 3 days left...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Get rid of bad energy or memories -- turn toward the future and don't look back.

That's my quickie horoscope for tomorrow but I felt it applies to my week as a whole. Sometimes we all need to stop being so hard on ourselves, remember our blessings and move forward.

It's the not looking back part that's sometimes hard for me, but I am going to try.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Challenge, Day 22

I'm really annoyed I forgot my camera at home today because I wanted to post the picture I took of last night's meal. I made the Creamy Broccoli and White Bean Soup which was delish and super easy! It's definitely something I'll be making again. The only thing I didn't have which I will get for next time was the pine nuts. It would have been better with the textural difference but you use what you've got and when I went grocery shopping, my store was out of pine nuts...go figure!

Today's challenge is to Set A Goal and Make A Plan to Achieve it. I know what my goal is but I'm keeping it private. I never said I would share everything with you :)

Now, while I haven't followed The Challenge to an exact "T", I've done what works for me and I'm happy with the results leading into week 4. I've made and liked some new foods and have upped my fruit and veggie daily count and feel really great even with adding caffeine back into my daily routine. One thing I'm excited about is getting back into my regular routine at the gym. I miss my weightlifting and kickboxing classes!

6 days to go...

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Challenge, Day 19

Today's challenge is to create your own cookbook. I sort of already have this. Like my Mother, I like to clip things out of magazines, print recipes I find online and stick them all in binders. The only hard part about this is remembering to actually look at these binders! I admit that sometimes I get stuck in food ruts and eat the same things day in, day out but when you live alone sometimes it's more of a pain to make a meal than to just stick with what's easy.

Another challenge for today is to Save the Date. I desperately need to get better at keeping up with my friends. I have some really incredible friends who I miss because neither of us are very good at keeping in constant contact. However, when I do see or speak to these people it's like no time at all has passed and to me, that's true friendship!

The other part of the challenge is going fine for me, although I must admit I'm not really sticking to it anymore. I'm still trying to eat more fruits and veggies daily but have had some drinks and am eating things I shouldn't. BUT...I am still watching the portion control and not going overboard on the sweets. I did weigh myself at the gym last night and I've lost 6 pounds since the beginning of the challenge with minimal effort! I've only worked out maybe 2 times a week and not really vigorous workouts either. I'm ready to pump it up at the gym in the next coming weeks and hopefully hit my weightloss goal!

One more week...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Last Year of My 20's

In 17 days I will turn 29. Wow, it's really hard to believe because I don't feel or...ahem, look 29 for that matter, but it's true and it's coming! I was talking with a coworker about this and my 30 Before 30 list and below is the email she sent me:

By Dabzy Senna
"A decade ago you scibbled a list on the back of a napkin. 'The Ten Year Plan' You were like that back then: always making lists.

This one involved a marriage to your college sweetheart, a brownstone in Brooklyn, two adorable children, a Land Rover with mud in the tires, a California hideaway.

Those were the years you moved a lot, from apartment to apartment, as if you were running from the law. Temporary living spaces for a temporary girl. You did not believe in roots. You preferred sublets, being surrounded by other people's tastes and smells. You survived on take-out: a steady supply of moo shu pork and falafel.

You wore cheap shoes and drank too much and prowled the city til the wee hours, yet somehow were able to drag yourself to work the next morning. You assumed all love affairs ended; that was built into the arrangement. Everything seemed disposable.

It is ten years later. You are some where between 27 to 35. Somewhere along the way you forgot to get married forgot to invest in property, forgot to have some kids. You are in therapy. You have fine lines around your eyes. You wear comfortable shoes because you have to. When you drink too much you feel it for days. You simply cannot stay up all night.
When you look back over your shoulder you see all the mistakes you made. Breaking up with the boy who made you laugh for the moody artist who later dumped you. Twice. Maxing out that credit card. Making a fool out of yourself in public that night in the bar on LaFayette Street. Your 25th birthday bash. (you were the life of the party who almost killed herself with martinis). Mangling your feet in shoes half a size too small. Burning your skin to a crisp in hopes it would reveal your hidden ethnicity. Not saying thank you.

These days you attend a lot of baby showers and weddings. Your gynecologist, on your last visit, said, "you have 3 years before you have to worry."

You cant wait three years to worry - and so you do worry.

But sometimes you still feel 22. Other times you just feel lucky. It seems a miracle to survive one's 20s with body and soul somewhat intact. And then there are those moments when you are filled with the thrill of being an adult woman who nobody to answer to but herself. In these moments you are happy you didn't get what you wanted on that list by the age of 32. Because for now, in this moment, you have what you didn't have when you were 22: youth and experience, freedom and a sense of limits.

You have not gotten around to making g a new Ten Year Plan. You are not as certain about anything as you were at 22: what you desire, who you will become. You are confused and you are searching. There are new mistakes to make. Your sadness is deeper and your happiness feels richer. Everything matters."

I like it so I thought I would share it. I'm currently working on my 30 Before 30 list and will share it with everyone very soon. I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting!

The Challenge, Day 17

Sorry about the lack of posts, but I had a busy weekend then MLK Day off and yesterday was a little hectic after the wonderful three-day weekend!

Here's what's been happening with me and The Challenge:

  • I've reintroduced most foods and am especially loving coffee again
  • While I have had some added sugar, I must admit I haven't had the cravings like I once did so I'm shedding pounds and feeling great
  • I've tried really hard to be more mindful of things I'm doing and trying to live in the moment, so far I think I'm succeeding
  • I've also tried to be remind myself, especially when things aren't going so well, that I have a great life and practice gratitude. This is now something I try and do everyday
Today's mini challenge is to Boost Heart Health with Fats and Flavor. I have been using a lot more herbs in the dishes I've been making and am really loving it! I roasted a sweet potato and some mini carrots the other night and at the end of their baking time I added about a tablespoon of honey and it was amazing! It really complimented the rosemary and thyme and I can't wait to have the leftovers tonight!

Today's plan also includes getting some cardio in. I'm planning on meeting Anne for some zumba tonight and I'm really excited about it! Doesn't take much these days does it...

11 days to go...

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Challenge, Day 12

I know I've said this before, but I truly think part of this challenge for me was learning my correct portion size. For instance, last night I made a chicken breast with fresh herbs and pared that with my left over pasta from the Lemony Chicken Saltimbocca. I was perfectly satisfied with having half the chicken breast and pasta and the other half today for lunch.

I didn't start this challenge as a way to lose weight. I started it because frankly I was bored and after reading about it in Whole Living, I wanted to see if I could do it. I also wanted to see if if could help me with the brain fog I was experiencing before the holidays and I can actually say I think it has. While I miss my daily coffee and can't wait to get back on the caffeine boat, I can honestly say I don't feel like I need it. However, this was not sentiment before the holidays. My eyelids needed to be held up by toothpicks before I had my daily cup'o'joe and now I have a lot of energy all day and am loving it. So, I'll ease back into my coffee routine and will be more careful as to not become dependent of it.

Today's online challenge is to Shift your focus and be grateful instead. I know I can do this! It is easy to get lost in the day-to-day drag and forget about how lucky we all are, but I think I do a pretty good job of being grateful for the things I have and not taking things for granted.

Another of today's assignments is to experiment with stress relief. I know what works for me...going to the gym. I need that physical exertion at the end of the day to make me feel better and forget all the crap that seeped into my mind. And for the day's meal plan, I'm sort of sticking to it. I had half a smoothie, a whole grain english muffin, left overs from last night and I'll have a green apple with peanut butter in a few minutes. On tap for dinner is a grilled herb crusted chicken breast with roasted root veggies. But instead of having the whole chicken and sweet potato, I'll break it into two meals.

16 days to go...

BTW, I'm going to weigh myself at the gym tonight. I feel like I've lost some weight and am excited to see if I did without trying.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Challenge, Day 11

Today's challenge is to Make the Most of your Cleaning Time. I can definitely try and do this, it seems easy enough, right?! I actually need to do a whole house cleaning tomorrow so it will be the perfect time to try and be more mindful of the things I am doing when I'm doing them.

Other challenges for today include; reintroducing dairy, listening to something soothing, and focus on arm strength during the fitness portion of the challenge. I won't be doing dairy, I'm currently only in the mood to listen to my new Viva Elvis CD and I'm going to kickboxing tonight. I guess .5 out of 3 isn't so bad...

The Lemony Chicken Saltimbocca was delish! The only thing I'll do different when I make it again is to brown it on the stove top and finish it in the oven. Either I buy extremely large chicken breasts or Cooking Light uses tiny ones, but it definitely took longer to cook than 2 minutes on each side! Other than that, it was a good date-night dinner.

Well today I'm having lunch at work. I hear we're having lasagna and salad so we all know which dish I'll be picking. Other than that, it's the same ole same; fruit smoothie, green apple with peanut butter and for my special treat today, a whole grain english muffin with raspberry jam...YUM!

17 more days to go...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Challenge, Day 10

The Creamy Kale salad was a delish success and I'm having the second half today for lunch along with a cup of bean soup. I'm also having a fruit smoothie (broken into 2 servings) and some carrots today. I did get a craving for something sweet last night and indulged myself because after all, I did really good not having ANY sweets for more than a week. I also did yoga last night so that helped me say yes to some sweet chocolate.

Tonight I have another date, so I won't be sticking to the challenge to an exact "t" but I'm cooking so it will be pretty close. I've decided to make Lemony Chicken Saltimbocca with the help of my sister and my subscription to Cooking Light! It looks yummy, so let's pray I don't screw it up.

Today's Challenge is to Elevate Your Attitude and Visualize Success which I think I can do. I have some big things coming down the pike and I can definitely visualize good things happening! Sometimes all you need is to picture the positive and it helps you change your perspective for the better.

18 Days to go...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Challenge, Day 9

Even though the temps last night were only in the single digits, I still fired up my grill and man, oh man am I glad I did! My grilled eggplant with tomatoes and lemon vinaigrette dressing was delish! I am a carnivore and love my meat, so I never thought I would enjoy vegetarian dishes so much but the eggplant really was quite meaty. I'm really looking forward to having the left overs for lunch today.

In addition to the grilled eggplant left overs, I'm having a smoothie for breakfast, an apple with peanut butter for a snack and a cup of my bean soup also for lunch. It's freezing here today and I need something to warm me from the inside out!

Tonight I'm really looking forward to making the Creamy Kale Salad. I've never had kale in a salad before so this should be interesting.

I think I may also toast up half of an english muffin to have with dinner so I can begin slowly reintroducing wheat into my diet again.

Today's challenge is to Tame the Tension. I think I can do this, however it may be difficult to find a hobby on such sort notice! Maybe my hobby can be going to the gym?! I like it and need to get back into my routine. I must admit, it's been a little difficult hitting the gym because it's so packed with all the people trying to fulfill their New Year's Resolutions. Maybe my hobby can be doing pilates at home three nights/mornings a week? YES! I accept this challenge.

19 Days to go...

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Challenge, Day 8

I did really well with The Challenge over the weekend! I couldn't believe myself, but I had so much will power it was pretty incredible! Saturday I stuck with the detox pretty good until dinner. I went to Chinese and ordered the sesame chicken but did get brown rice. I didn't eat the whole thing and left the left overs in my date's fridge.

I was also pretty good Sunday. I did have coffee which was delish and can't wait till I add it back into my routine regularly! I also made some 16 bean soup yesterday in my crockpot and it was the perfect meal on such a snowy Sunday.

For today, I have a mixed frozen fruit smoothie (split in two servings), a green apple with two teaspoons of peanut butter, a serving of my bean soup and a handful of baby carrots.

Tonight, I'm really excited about making a dish that's been on my mind for a while and one I've been craving, grilled eggplant and tomatoes. My recipe is pretty similar to the one I linked on here but omits the goat cheese. I even scrapped off my grill this morning so I'll be able to use it later today. Crazy that I'll be out grilling in single digits but I don't mind!

Today's challenge is to say "No" to multitasking and "Yes" to meditation. I will try but this may be tricky. I don't feel productive unless I have multiple things happening at once.

20 more days to go...

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Challenge, Day 5

I fell off the Challenge wagon last night. But it was for a good cause, honest! I had a date and a pretty good one at that! And he took me to sushi so I don't feel horrible about breaking a few rules because the food was delish and not that bad for me!

Today, I'm back at it! Today's menu includes a Green Smoothie broken into two servings, the other half of yesterday's lunch, a salad and a green apple.

I've also accepted today's challenge, Assess your health and stop complaining. I think it's easy to get caught up in complaining about how things can be but the difficult part is recognizing the everyday blessings. I am a truly blessed individual who has an amazing family, precious puppy Presley, a roof over my head and friends whom I love and love me back.

Happy Friday to you and only 23 more days to go...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dianna -1, Sweet/Caffeine Tooth - 0

Today I had a dreaded meeting at Starbucks. On any other day I would love this opportunity to bask in the lovely aroma of fresh brewed coffee but not so much since this challenge has kicked off. But I am happy to report that my will power is stronger than I could have imagined! I got a DECAF TEA!

The Challenge, Day 4

The picture below is last nights dinner...Yummy! I made the Spicy Cauliflower that I found on the Whole Living website. I did cut the recipe in half and didn't have a few of the ingredients on hand, but I made do. Martha would not approve but she's also not stocking my pantry! Instead of the small red chilies I used roasted Pueblo chilies and it added just the right amount of heat. I also omitted the the mustard seeds and ginger. I have ginger at home but didn't think it would taste very good with the roasted Pueblo chilies. Along with the cauliflower I had half a chicken breast and it was delish!
After my meal I didn't even want anything sweet! It's amazing. And today I'm not near as tired as I was yesterday although I am still counting down the days until I can have coffee again! I was pretty beat after Zumba class last night. By the end of the hour I could barely move my feet as fast as needed! It was embarrassing but it felt good to dance and sweat out the day.

For today's menu, I'm having the second half of last night dinner, a green apple with peanut butter and a green smoothie broken into two servings. I did blend it better today and it's much more enjoyable. Something I may even consider making again! It loosely resembles the Odwalla Superfood Drink.

For today's mind portion of the 28-Day Challenge, you're supposed to create a routine. Well, Presley and I already have a pretty good one! We love to go to bed early and spend quite time together all snuggled up, especially in the winter. As for the Opt out of Office Gossip, that will be easy because I've never gotten involved in that at my current position and I plan to keep it that way!

I actually think that the challenge is harder on her because she's having to eat her doggie food as there aren't as many choices from my dinner plate. She'll take a piece of lettuce and roll it around in her mouth, but she's more of a carnivore.

25 days to go...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Challenge, Day 3

One month from today, I turn 29. I can't believe this is the last year of my 20's. There have definitely been some highs and lows, but I think that's to be expected and I'm really looking forward to my 30 Before 30 list. I got the original idea from the blog, hello, splendor and think it's a great idea! This journey will begin when my 28-day Challenge is over. So now to it...

Today I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle what lay ahead. After being awake for a while and arriving to work, I still sort of feel this way. I'm a little tired and have already sucked my first smoothie down.

Today's smoothie is my own concoction again of mixed frozen fruit, a banana, one cup of diet cranberry juice and one cup of water. It's pretty delish!

For lunch I'm having left overs from last night; half a chicken breast, half a sweet potato and a salad. My snacks again will be a green apple with peanut butter and the other serving of my smoothie. It's sad that it's only 9 a.m. and I'm already really looking forward to lunch!

So, this challenge isn't just about what you stick in your mouth, it's also about clearing your mind and making a change for the better both, physically and mentally. So far I've only really committed to the physical part. However, I have started listening to my body which was recommended.

For me, this challenge is about re-directing my mind when it comes to meals. For instance last night if I were not doing the challenge, I would have eaten the entire chicken breast and sweet potato. As I made my dinner plate I was a little worried that I'd be really hungry but as it turns out, smaller portions may be easier that I once thought. After a typical meal I would also have something sweet because I LOVE desert. But this week I haven't had anything sweet (excluding the peanut butter I eat with my apple, which by the way is from heaven) and I'm not missing it. The one thing I would like to get better at is drinking more water. I typically only have about one liter a day and I need to up the anty to two!

As for the no caffeine, I miss it and can't lie. I'm really looking forward to Sunday morning when I can make a fresh pot of pecan pie coffee!

Tonight I'm going to meet my friend Anne for Zumba! I think my body is up for it after adjusting to the new routine and I'm looking forward to some physical activity!

26 days to go...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Challenge, Day 2

I made it through Day 1 of the Whole Living 28 Day Challenge Action Plan. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting which is a good thing! The Green Smoothie was a little different and next time I make it I will use the liquefy button on the blender, no more chewing my smoothie for me!

Today's smoothie is my own blend of frozen mixed fruit, diet cranberry juice and water and it is SO good!

So far, the food part of the plan is the only one I've stuck with. I don't want to take a media break. I only watch 2-3 hours of TV a day and that's how I relax at the end of the day so I'm not taking it away. However, I did crawl into bed earlier last night.

It was partly due to my being cold but also I was exhausted. I decided to go to the gym last night and worked out on the elliptictal machine for an hour. My friend Anne met me so it was more of a gab session than an intense work out which I'm thankful for because I don't think I could have done it! I had pretty low energy by the end of the day but it did feel good to go and do something. Today, I'm planning on heading home after work and doing pilates along with the yoga release and back strengthener positions in the magazine.

I feel pretty good today, but I think day 2 may be a little harder than day 1 so I'll have to re-evaluate at the end of the day.

I'm also looking at expanding my menu. At first, I thought I could make it with lettuce and chicken but this girl does not survive on lettuce alone! I'm heading to the grocery store at lunch to pick up a few items for the recipes below:

Avocado & Lime

Spicy Cauliflower

Sweet Potato with Coconut

For dinner tonight, I think I'll have half a grilled chicken breast, half a roasted sweet potato with rosemary and a salad. Yummy...I'm hungry just thinking about it!

27 days left

Monday, January 3, 2011

No Sour Grapes in This Bunch

A couple of weekends ago, my sister and brother-in-law invited me to Divine Wine in downtown Denver because they had made their own special wine blend and it was time to bottle the goods! Here's a pic of my sister putting on the custom labels she made for their wine. She made two, one for each of her doggies called 1) Split Personality for Dexter and (2) Jealous Boyfriend for Chico. Very fitting names if you've met the pooches! And that big jug the guy on the left is holding, that's what had their wine it it... they were kind enough to share!
And here's a pic of the bottling process, I only did one bottle because I was scared it would explode all over me!
It was a really fun process and I'm happy they included me!

New Year, New Challenges

For the start of 2011, I am taking part in the Whole Living Action Plan 28-Day Challenge. Today is Day 1 and I began my Monday morning not with my typical cup of joe, but instead with this:

It's the Green Smoothie which includes Kale, parsley, one banana and a green apple. I brought it with me to work at 8 this morning and am still working on finishing it. The consistency is a little jarring at first, but you get used to it and it actually is pretty tasty! For the rest of the day, here are my meals:

Lunch will be a salad with some left-over pork roast (a piece about the size of my smart phone), and my snacks will be a green apple with peanut butter (I'm not sticking with the plan where it calls to cut out peanut products) and another shake later on in the afternoon.

I think this will be a good thing, but we'll see if it is or just another good sounding, bad idea! So far, the most difficult part of the process has been cutting out caffeine, but I'm hoping that over the next 28 days, I will be more alert, clear-minded and not as dependent on coffee as I was just one week ago.

I will be using the blog as a way to track my progress and also talk about the challenges and triumphs that come with The Challenge.

Pleasant Valley Sunday

Have you ever heard the song by The Monkees, Pleasant Valley Sunday? Well, it's the tune that plays in my head nearly every time I ...